The E.A.R.N Lab is a dedicated research team focused on studying drinking attitudes and behaviors among young adults. Led by a group of experienced researchers, the E.A.R.N Lab is committed to understanding cognitive and social factors that contribute to alcohol use and misuse among this population. Through rigorous, evidence-based research, the E.A.R.N Lab aims to inform intervention and prevention efforts that can help reduce risk for harms and promote healthy behaviors among young adults. As a team, we are dedicated and focused on research, and we take pride in E.A.R.Ning Our Stripes. For example, every member in our lab who is a co-author on a research study will contribute meaningfully to that project and any written product (e.g., publication, conference presentation) derived from that study. With respect to first-author papers, E.A.R.N. lab members who take a lead author role on a paper are required to (a) conduct a thorough literature search of the research topic, (b) review thoroughly all the articles from the literature search, and (c) write both the introduction and discussion sections of the manuscript. In short, both lead- and co-authorship work in our lab is E.A.R.Ned. Earned authorship in the lab is critical in facilitating every team member’s content knowledge of the subject matter and research writing skills development.